Month: <span>August 2003</span>

We’re getting a rare treat here in the Bay Area tonight — lightning. Normally the air is pretty moist here, and though we get lots of high winds, we usually don’t get much static buildup, so there’s almost never any lightning here.

Not so tonight. From where I’m sitting right now in San Francisco, I’m seeing lightning discharges at the rate of about 3-4 per minute, far to the North-East — far enough that thunder is inaudible.

The light-show doesn’t even compare to some of the storms I’ve seen in the Tidewater, VA area, or in Kansas City where I grew up (or Chicago for that matter), but after about 15 years living in places where electrical storms are rare, the little sparks I’ve seen tonight are reminding me of simpler times…

Jake's Radio 'Blog

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The WYSIWYG editor for Mozilla has been released for both Radio and Manila. Here’s a screenshot.

If you run a Manila server, instructions for enabling the new feature are here. If you use Radio, see instructions for enabling the feature here.

As I noted in previous posts, the editor works with Mozilla 1.3b or later on all platforms. If you have any problems or bugs to report, post them to the discussion group on the Manila or Radio sites.

Jake's Radio 'Blog

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The Radio/Mozilla wizzy editor I’ve been working on for the last couple of days is now in beta.
(I’m using it to edit this postyay!)

If you’re comfortable running beta software, or if you’re a Mac user who likes Mozilla and you’re hungry for WYSIYG text editing for your blog, please help test the new feature by following the instructions in this message on the radio-dev mail list.

Don’t forget to send an email to the list to let us know how it’s working for you.

While the feature is in beta for Radio users, I’m going to be working on the Manila version. Since most of the code is shared, the Manila version will probably be released at nearly the same time as the Radio version, Murphy willing…

Jake's Radio 'Blog

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