3/21/2001; 5:29:32 AM

Today, UserLand released a Tool for Radio UserLand which exports a Manila website to a folder of XML files on your desktop computer. This is an important milestone because it demonstrates how creators of content management systems, can protect their users by making user-data easily accessible, in a standardized format: The XML Files for Manila.

A quote from today’s Scripting News: “Manila is the first content management system to flow all your data out through XML.”
10:37:07 PM  

Confessions of an E-Dropout (via Luc Vanded Abeele): “The beauty of ‘anywhere, anytime, whenever you want,’ too readily turns into not now, maybe later, and often not at all… In my pajamas, near computer, phone, refrigerator, cats and pals, it was just too easy to do everything except my Web class.” I don’t seem to have this problem. ;->
10:34:49 PM  

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