4/18/2001; 2:05:30 PM

CNN: Make your own Nixon tape
9:01:32 PM  

Plastic: No Financial Aid For Those With Drug Convictions. “George W. Bush is going to enforce a previously overlooked law (passed in 1998) that denies federal financial aid to anyone convicted of drug crimes. “
9:01:10 PM  

Shawn Ribordy: “After test driving MSXML in a Visual Basic application, it begged the question: “I wonder if Perl can use MSXML?” (via A Boy and His Basement)
5:15:45 PM  

Salon.com: A strange love. Or: How one Giants fan learned to stop worrying and love Barry Bonds, just in time to appreciate his 500th home run.
2:05:43 PM  

Phillip Winn: “Bush would fight a cold war without anybody even realizing that’s what he was doing. How can you win a war so secret even your enemies don’t know it? Paging Dr Strangelove…”
2:05:30 PM  

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