5/15/2001; 9:18:49 PM

Simon Fell: “Well, I made it back, and only 4000 emails to read!… Some updated pocketSOAP Interop test results including new servers for GLUE and HP.”
9:52:44 PM  

BBC: ‘Fossil fish’ hits the web.
9:21:59 PM  

CNN: Runaway train stopped after uncontrolled 2 hours.
9:21:19 PM  

Salon: A nauseating ruling. “Clarence Thomas says marijuana has no medical use. Maybe he’d like to try my cancer.”
9:21:01 PM  

Wired News: Riding Into, and With, the Sunset. Those were some odd-looking vehicles racing around the Topeka, Kansas track last weekend…
9:18:49 PM  

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