Month: <span>September 2003</span>

The Mail-to-Weblog feature for Manila has been released:

“The Mail-to-Weblog feature makes it easy to post to your weblog by simply sending an email to your site. When this feature is enabled, Manila periodically checks for new messages in a POP email account that you specify, and posts new messages whose subject matches your "secret subject" to your weblog.”

The feature is available now on all UserLand-hosted Manila sites. Here’s how to enable Mail-to-Weblog in your own Manila site.

If you run a Manila server, here’s how to enable Mail-to-Weblog for your users.

As a part of this feature, an update to tcp.getMail allows you to supply the address of a callback script, which can determine whether email messages will be deleted from the POP account, or left on the server.

Jake's Radio 'Blog

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When Manila’s Content Editor role was initially implemented, the static rendering feature was not taken into account. While Content Editors could create and edit any content in a Manila site, they had no way to render their changes if the static rendering feature was in use.

We’ve done a review of the Content Editor role as applied to sites which use static rendering, and have released fixes for a few related bugs. See this page for details.

Jake's Radio 'Blog

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We’ve got a new feature for Radio and Manila: Comment notification via email.

When someone posts a comment on your Radio or Manila site, an email is sent with information about the person who posted the comment, a link to the post they’re commenting on, and the text of the comment itself.

Here are a pair of how-to’s for Radio and Manila users.

Jake's Radio 'Blog

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