Month: <span>October 2003</span>

A new feature for Manila which makes it possible to subscribe to RSS feeds in Editors-Only Manila sites using any RSS news reader which supports HTTP authentication:

This is especially useful for people who run private sites for a workgroup or project, or for people who run Manila sites in educational environments where the sites are required to have restricted access.

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A feature of Manila that I forgot to mention earlier: When you’re setting the path for a story or discussion group message, clicking the path field in the Admin box automatically chooses the “set a path” command.

One less step needed for a commonly used feature…

Jake's Radio 'Blog

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We’ve released some enhancements for Manila’s news item departments feature:

News item departments now each have their own RSS 2.0 feeds. In addition, each Manila site now has a page which lists all the departments in the site, along with links to each department, and its RSS feed.

See this page on the Manila site for details.

Jake's Radio 'Blog

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