MMFA reviews Stolen Honor, the anti-Kerry film to air on Sinclair stations

An article posted to the Media Matters for America site on Wednesday, reviews the anti-Kerry ad-disguised-as-news “documentary” to be shown on 62 Sinclair stations, shortly before election day, pre-empting normal programming. Here are some bits:

“Having reviewed the film, MMFA can confirm that at least two of the POWs featured in the film, Paul Galanti … and Ken Cordier … also appeared in Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads attacking Kerry. …

“The anti-Kerry POWs for Truth, who released Stolen Honor, merged with the discredited Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, as a September 29 press release announced. According to that release, ‘The merger coincide[d] with a new $1.4 million television ad campaign released by the new group Swift Vets and POWs For Truth.’ Swift Boat Vets also has significant connections to the Bush-Cheney ’04 campaign, as MMFA has noted. …

Stolen Honor falsely claims Kerry labeled all veterans war criminals … Stolen Honor falsely claims Kerry had secret meeting with North Vietnamese in Paris … Stolen Honor seeks to discredit the Winter Soldier Investigation without evidence … Stolen Honor attempts to link Kerry to actress and prominent anti-war activist Jane Fonda …

“As MMFA has documented, the frequently used right-wing tactic of seeking to link Kerry to Fonda has even involved the doctoring of a photograph to make it appear that Kerry stood alongside Fonda while speaking at an antiwar protest.”

Note that Sinclair Broadcast Group is the same company which forced its stations to not show an episode of Nightline, which was wholly dedicated to reading the names, and displaying pictures of our soldiers who have died in Iraq. On that note, here’s a picture you might find interesting.

I urge you to contact companies who advertise on Sinclair Broadcast Group stations, explain the situation, and urge them to pull their ads because of this scandal. You’ll probably have the best luck with smaller advertisers, in your local broadcast area.

There are only days left before the election, and it’s doubtful that either the FCC or FEC will do anything about this before then.

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