Month: <span>October 2014</span>

In the last post on this topic, I discussed some of the differences between Manila and WordPress, and how understanding those differences teased out some of the requirements for this project.

In this post I’m going to talk about the design and implementation of a ManilaToWXR Tool, some more requirements that were revealed through the process of building it, and a few of the tricky edge cases I had to deal with.

A little history first…

Frontier website headerAmong the more interesting things I did while I was a developer at UserLand, was to build a framework we called the Tools Framework, which brought together many different points of extensibility, and made it easy for developers to customize the environment.

In Frontier, Radio UserLand, and the OPML Editor, a Tool is a collection of code and data in a database, which extends or overrides some platform- or application-level functionality. It’s sort of analogous to a Plugin in the WordPress universe, but Tools can also do things like run code periodically (or continuously) in the background, or implement entirely new web applications, or even customize Frontier’s native UI.

For example, you could implement a Tool that hooks into the windowTypes framework and File menu callbacks to implement a new document type corresponding to a WordPress post. Commands in the File menu call the WordPress API, and present a native interface for editing your blog—probably in an outline. Radio UserLand did exactly this for Manila sites, and it was fantastic. (More on that later.)

Another example of a Tool is one that implements some new XML-RPC endpoints (RPC handlers in Frontier) to provide a programmatic API for accessing some content in a database on your server.

For my purposes, I’m not doing anything nearly so complicated. The main thing I wanted comes from the Tools > New Tool… menu command. This creates a new database and pre-populates it with a bunch of placeholders for things like its menu, a table for data and preferences, and of course a table where my code will live.

It gives me an easy, standard way to create a database with the right structure, and the hooks into the menu bar that I wanted to make my exporter easy to use.

Code Components

Now some of this may sound pedantic to the developer-types who are reading this, but please bear with me on behalf of our non-nerd cohorts.

Any time you need to write a lot of code, it makes sense to break the work down into small, bite-sized problems. By solving each of those problems one at a time, sometimes in layers, you eventually work your way towards a complete solution.

Each little piece should be simple enough that you can compartmentalize it and separate it from the other pieces. This is called factoring, and it’s good for lots of reasons including readability, maintainability, debug-ability, reuse. And if you miss something, make a mistake in your design, or discover that some part of your system doesn’t perform well, it’s far easier to rewrite just one or a couple of parts than it is to de-spaghettify a big, monolithic mess.

Components and sub-components should have simple and consistent interfaces so that other code that talks to them can in turn be made simple and consistent. Components should also have minimal or no side-effects, meaning that they don’t change data that some other code depends on. And components should usually perform one or a very small number of tasks in a predictable way, to keep them small, and make them easy to test and debug. If you find yourself writing hundreds of lines of code in one place, you probably need to break the problem down into smaller components.

So with these concepts in mind, I set about coming up with a component-level design for my Tool. I initially came up with four types of components that I would need, and each type of component may have a specific version depending on the type of object it knows about.


First, I’m going to need an easy way to iterate across posts, stories, pictures, and other objects. As my code iterates objects in my site, the tool will create a fragment of XML that will go into a WXR file on disk.

By separating the iteration from everything else, I can easily change the order in which objects are exported, apply filters for specific object types, or only export objects in a given date or ID range. (It turned out that ranges and filters were useful for debugging later on.)

Manila stores most content in its #discussionGroup in a sub-table named messages. User information is in #membershipGroup, and there’s some other data scattered around too. But the most important content—posts, pages, pictures, and comments—is all in the #discussionGroup.

Initially I’d planned to make multiple passes over the data, with one pass for each type of data I wanted to export. So first export all the posts, next the pages, next pictures, etc. As it turned out however, in both Manila and WordPress, a post, a page, and a picture have more in common than not in terms of how they’re stored and the data that comes along with them. Therefore it actually made more sense to do just one pass, and export all the data at one time.

There was one exception, however: In WordPress unlike Manila, comments are stored in a separate table from other first-class site content, and they appear in a WXR file as children of an <item> rather than as their own <item> under the <channel> element:

In the end I decided to write two iterators. Each of them would take the address of the site (so they can find other required metadata about a person for instance), and the address of a function to call for each object as it goes along:

wxr.visit.messages – iterates over all of the messages in my site’s #discussionGroup, skipping over deleted items and comments, since they won’t be exported as an <item> in my WXR file.

wxr.visit.commentsrecurses over responses to a message to generate threaded comment information.

It turned out later on that I needed two more iterators—one for categories, and one for “Gems” (non-picture files), but the two above were a great starting point that would give my code easy access to the bulk of the content.

Data Extractors

Next I needed some data extractors. These are type-specific components will pull some data for a post, picture, comment, etc out of the database, and normalize it to a native data structure that can then easily be output to XML for my WXR file.

The most important data extractor is, which takes the address of a message containing a blog post that’s in my site’s #discussionGroup—and returns a table (struct) that has all of the data elements that will go into an <item> in the exported WXR file.

Because the WordPress importer expects the comments as <wp:comment> sub-elements of <item> the post data extractor will also call into another data extractor that generates normalized data representing a comment.

For other types of objects I’ll need code that extracts data for that type as well. So I’ll need code to extract data for a picture, code to extract data for a page (story), and code to extract data for a gem (file).

Here’s part of the code that grabs the data for a comment:

There are a few interesting things to point out here:

  1. I chose to capture comment content even if it’s not approved. Better to keep the content than lose it, just in case I decide to approve it later.
  2. The call to wxr.comment.parent gets the ID of the comment’s parent. This preserves the threaded nature of the conversation, even if I decide not to have threaded comments in my WordPress site later on. It turns out that supporting both threaded and unthreaded comments was the source of some pain that I’ll explain in a future post.
  3. The call to wxr.string.processMacros is especially important. This call emulates what Manila, mainResponder, and the Frontier website framework do when a page is rendered to HTML. Without this capability, Frontier macro source code would leak through into my WordPress site, and possibly many internal links from #glossary items would not be broken. Getting this working was another source of pain that took a while to work through—again, more in a future post.
  4. All sub-items in the table that gets returned have names that start with “wp:”, which I’ll explain below…


Once I had some structured data, I was going to need to use it to encode some XML. It turns out that this component could be done in a very generic way that would work with any of my data extractors.

Frontier actually does have somewhat comprehensive XML capabilities. But the way it’s implemented requires very verbose code that I really didn’t want to write. I had done quite enough of that in a past life. 😉

So I decided to write a much simpler one-way XML-izer that I could easily integrate with my data extractors.

The solution I came up with was to recurse over the data structure that an extractor passed to it, and generate an XML tree whose element names match sub-items’ names, and whose element content were the contents of each sub-item.

There were three features I needed to add in order to make this work well:

Namespaces: Many elements in a WXR file are in a non-default namespace—either wp: for the WordPress-specific data, or dc: for the Dublin Core extension. This feature was easy to deal with by just naming sub-items with the namespace prefix, i.e. an element named parent in the wp: namespace would simply be called wp:parent when returned by the data extractor.

Multiple elements: Often I needed to create multiple elements at a given level in the XML file that all have the same name. <wp:comment> is a good example. The solution I came up with here is similar to the one Frontier implements in its native XML verbs.

A compiled XML table in Frontier has sub-items representing elements, which have a number, a tab character, and the element’s name. The Frontier GUI hides the number and the tab character when you view the table, so you can see multiple same-named elements in the table editor. When you click an item’s name, the number and tab character are revealed, and you can edit them if you want. That said, you’re supposed to use the XML verbs, xml.addTable or xml.addValue to add elements.

Most of this is not particularly well documented, and personally I don’t think it was the most elegant solution, but it was effective at working around Frontier’s limitation that items in tables had to have unique names, whereas in XML they don’t.

I wanted something simpler, so I decided instead to simply strip anything after a comma character from the sub-item’s name. This way whenever my data extractor is adding an item, it can just use table.uniqueName with a prefix ending in a comma character, and then add the item at that address. Two lines of code, or one if we get just a little bit fancy:

XML attributes: The last problem to solve was generating attributes on XML elements, for example <guid isPermalink="false">...</guid>. It turns out that if there were an xml.addAttributeValue in Frontier, it could have handled this pretty easily, but that was never implemented. Instead I’d have to add an /atts sub-table, and add the attribute manually—which takes multiple lines of code just to set a single attribute. Of course I could implement xml.addAttributeValue, but I don’t have a way to distribute it, so nobody else could use it! 🙁

In addition, I really didn’t want big, deeply-nested data structures flying around my call-stack, since I’m going to be creating thousands of tables at run-time, and I was concerned about memory and performance.

In the end I decided to do a hack: By using the | character to delimit attribute/value pairs in the name of table sub-elements, I could include the attributes and their values into the element name itself. So the <guid isPermalink="false"> element would come from a sub-item named guid|isPermalink=false.

Normally I would avoid doing something like this since hacks have a tendency to be fragile, but in this case I know in advance what all of the output needs to look like, so I don’t need a robust widely-applicable solution, and the time I save with the hacky version is worth it.

Utility Functions

Then there’s a bunch of miscellany:

  • A way to easily wrap the body of a post with <![CDATA[…]]> tokens, and properly handle the edge case where the body actually contains those tokens.
  • A non-buggy way to encode entities in text destined for XML. (xml.entityEncode has had some bugs forever, which weren’t fixed because of Rule 1.)
  • Code to deal with encoding various date formats, and converting to GMT.
  • Code to convert non-printable characters into the appropriate HTML entities (which in turn get encoded in XML).
  • Other utility functions dealing with URLs, calculating permalinks, getting people’s names from their usernames, etc.

The Elephants in the Room

At this point there were a few more things I knew I would need to address. I’ll talk about these along with handling media objects in my next post. In the meantime, here’s a teaser:

  1. Lots of stuff in Manila just doesn’t work at all unless you actually install the site, with Manila’s source code available.
  2. The macro and glossary processors aren’t easy to get working unless the code is running in the context of a real web request.
  3. What should I do about all the incoming links to my site? Are they all going to simply break?

I’ll talk about how I dealt with these and other issues in the next post.

More soon…

Development Manila WordPress

In my earlier post about porting from Manila to WordPress, I covered some basics around how and why I decided on the approach I took, and some of the requirements for the new site.

I’ve made a ton of progress—what you’re reading right now is coming from WordPress 4.0, hosted on my own server—but I’ve been remiss on follow-up posts. Fortunately I took lots of notes during this process, since I knew I wanted to write more about it. Probably too many notes in fact. 😉

I also found myself falling diving into the rabbit hole: I’ve been debugging the WordPress importer plug-in, while slowly and osmotically learning PHP, and discovering the wonders … um … fun that is XDebug, Eclipse PhpStorm, and MAMP. (PhpStorm is great so far, but still very unfamiliar.) Why? Two reasons, one of which I touched on before:

  • I get to learn about WordPress internals, PHP, and debugging PHP sites—and learning is always a Good Thing™
  • It turns out that Manila, a product developed over the better part of a decade, is quite complicated (duh), and I get to figure out how to re-simplify my legacy websites

I know Manila better than almost(?) anyone, so even years after developing in that environment full-time, its nooks and crannies are mostly familiar to me. Manila is an old friend, and we have a relationship complicated by the history of our mutual growth. Because Manila and I learned the Web organically over the last decade or so, we share shall we say, breadth. 😉

It’s a valuable trait that makes us both very flexible, but it also means that we’re sometimes hard to understand. And in doing this project, it’s likely I would need to make some difficult trade-offs, or else suffer endless debugging and long-term maintenance complexity, both with rapidly diminishing returns.

I’ll give you a few examples, and will tease out requirements as I talk through them:

Home Pages vs News Items

In its original incarnation, Manila only understood one “Home Page” per day. You could write as much as you want, add as many links as you want, and format however you want. But the content for a given day had no set structure or order.

√ Requirement: Ability to link to a day-archive in my WordPress site, not just to a post

Relatively early in Manila’s product lifetime, Brent Simmons implemented News Items in Manila, which enabled Manila sites to have the same kind of structure we think of today as a Blog—a series of reverse-chronological posts, usually with a title, and sometimes with a link. As I recall, Manila’s News Items were inspired by Slashdot’s format which was essentially blogs+categories—but the reverse-chronological collection of posts was key.

As the platform grew, News Items eventually had other data associated with them too: They supported per-item comments and trackbacks (like WordPress posts), and they separated the concept of “last update” from “published” though differently than WordPress does.

For the purpose of this project, it’s important to understand that a “news-day” post and “news item post” are different things, and needed to be dealt with accordingly.

√ Requirement: Handle both day-post-style sites and item-post-style sites

√ Requirement: Translate News Item departments into WordPress categories

To make matters more complicated, the Managing Editor (admin) of a Manila site could switch between News Items and Home Pages at will. So some days might have a single, monolithic post while other days may have many separate posts.

√ Requirement: Support both per-day and per-post styles within a single site

For content on this won’t be much of an issue since it’s always been a News Items (per-post) style site, and I’ve rarely made more than one post per day. But in the long run I also want to bring in content from Jake.EditThisPage.Com—years worth of content that I don’t want to lose—and it’s one of these mixed sites with some day-page style content, and some blog post style content, and a mix that sometimes included many posts each day.

⇒ Insight: I don’t need to deal with day-type sites right now, but I shouldn’t design myself into a corner that precludes them.

Permalinks, GUIDs, and IDs

So what the heck are these things? I mean I’ve heard of a permalink but a GUID? I get what an ID is, but why do I need to understand it?


The permalink to a post is a URL which doesn’t change over time, which goes straight to the post. It’s important to preserve these links, since every time someone links to a post on your site, the place they’re linking to (ideally) is your post’s permalink. If that URL changes then all of those incoming links will break, and The Web will be just a tiny bit more lonely: On The Web, broken links == sadness.

It turns out that by default, WordPress and Manila format blog post URLs quite differently. Moreover, WordPress pages typically live at only one URL (really two—one by its link [path], and one by its ID), whereas in Manila, “Stories” (Pages in WordPress) and sometimes even individual posts can live at any number of URLs, some of which are generated, and some of which may be added by the user.

For example a blog post (news item) in Manila is most often accessed via a calendar-style URL off of the root of the site, like, but it may also appear at any the following (or more) URLs:

  •$1234 — note the $ delimiter
  •$1234 — if promoted to a story [page]
  • — user-entered path
  • — another user-entered path
  • — from department (category)

If I want to preserve my site’s existing web presence, then I should do whatever I can to make sure that incoming links continue to work. And while I control all the domains involved, I also don’t want to have to maintain a giant list of redirects…

√ Requirement: Support at least one of Manila’s canonical URLs for transferred content

√ Stretch-goal: Support all URLs for a given bit of content, including user-generated ones


A post’s GUID is its canonical and unchanging identifier that signals to feed readers (RSS, Atom, etc), that if it sees this post again, it doesn’t need to show it to users, since they’ve already seen it.

But if the post’s URL ever changes, a well-behaving content management system should remember the original GUID and not change it, so that folks who subscribe to the site in a feed reader don’t get blasted with a whole lot of repeat posts.

There are other potential uses for a post’s GUID. Some systems might use it to identify a post when accessing it via an API. Some (like Manila) use a combination of the site’s URL and a post’s ID instead for API access.

Sometimes it’s easy to generate a GUID just by reusing the value of the post’s permalink. In this case you could add an attribute called isPermalink and make its value true to signal to consuming apps that the GUID actually points at a real web resource. (WordPress doesn’t do this, even when the permalink and GUID are the same.) This could be especially useful if the post has a link which is not a link to the post itself.

Then there’s the ID. Manila and WordPress both have sequential IDs for the super-set of posts and pages. Unlike WordPress though, Manila also keeps comments in the same “table” as posts and pages, whereas WordPress treats comments completely separately. Going from Manila to WordPress then shouldn’t create any issues, since there are no inherent ID conflicts.

Data Hierarchy: What’s the same, what’s different?

Among the reasons I picked WordPress instead of some other platform, is that WordPress and Manila actually have a great deal in common:

  • They both separate content from layout by flowing content through a Theme
  • They both use a database to store the content
  • They both have posts, media, and pages (in Manila, News Items, Pictures & Gems, and Stories)
  • The table used for posts, stories, and media is the same (in Manila it’s the site’s Discussion Group)
  • Both systems use the filesystem for blob storage for media files

But there are some differences:

  • In a Manila site, you can have threaded discussions that aren’t attached to a post or page. Not so in WordPress.
    • This could be faked up with private posts/pages in WordPress, but depending on the site this may not be worth the extra development effort.
  • In Manila, comments are stored in the same table as posts, pages, and media objects, but in WordPress, commentsare stored separately.
    • In theory this shouldn’t be an issue, since as long as I build the WXR file such that WordPress understands it, comment content will import just fine.

I was thrilled to discover that WordPress supports threaded discussions. Though it’s not an issue for since it’s always had flat comment threads, when I get around to porting over my other sites, I will want to preserve threaded discussions.

That’s it for this post. In the next post, I’ll talk about the code that I wrote, how I tested and debugged it, and what kind of crazy edge cases I found continue to find.

Development Manila WordPress