Month: <span>November 2004</span>

Just for good measure: I voted for John Kerry, and against George Bush. Technorati should pick up those links and count my vote on their vote link tracking page in a few minutes. Go Kerry!

Is anyone going to a Kerry victory celebration party tonight? I’m tentatively planning on it, but don’t know for sure yet. (My decision will not be based on poll results.)


Al Franken decided for his last show before the election to put together a best-of The Al Franken Show on-the-road. And I decided to post here on Election Day, the show in its entirity. I hope Al won’t mind — here’s the video. [49’22”, 51.9MB]

Guests included:

  • Walter Mondale, former Vice President of the United States of America
  • Alta Charo, Professor of Law and Bioethics, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Carol and Walter Griffin, parents of Al Franken’s best childhood friend Dave, a.k.a. the “Liberals Who Hate America”
  • and John Glen, astronaut and former OH senator (by cell phone, from an OH freeway)

Al Franken also took a little segment for himself:

“We know this President isn’t a very curious guy. We know that he probably doesn’t care that much about the culture of Iraq, about the history of Iraq, about the people who live in Iraq. But you know what, when you’re The President of the United States, even if you’re not curious, you gotta suck it up and do some reading, man!”

Have fun, and Go Kerry!


I must say, as I’ve said again and again, most recently but not in so many words, over hereDude! It’s a small frickin’ world, man.

It turns out that I know the guy who runs I met him in Amsterdam, while living my past life as a Rock-Star. He was in my ex’s Computer Science department. Check out what he wrote for his coming-out:

“My name is Andrew Tanenbaum. I am one of the 7 million U.S. citizens living abroad. I am a professor of computer science at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Most of you have never heard of me but in an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny corner of the universe I have done enough stuff that Google has somehow managed to dig up 10,000 pages referring to me…”

It must be about 9 or 10 years since I met Andrew. I wonder if he remembers me. I think we got into a rather deep discussion about whether there ever was such a thing as absolute right and wrong, i.e. the proverbial ‘Good and Evil’…

Update: Looks like I was wrong, and in fact I don’t know Andrew. I talked with my ex on the phone this afternoon, and she told me I had him confused with someone else that she studied with. Oh well — it sounded nice. Too bad it’s not true. Kind of like WMD in Iraq, or Osama being buddy-buddy with Saddam, only not so brazenly contrary to actual reality.
