Hello World!

If you see this, you’re looking at all of my old site’s content running on my self-hosted WordPress server… Phew!

I think that’s enough for tonight, but there will be more soon. I’ve got a bunch of details I want to write up about this project. Plus now that I have the tools I wrote to migrate from Manila to WordPress, I’ve got a bunch of other old content I want to migrate.

I suppose I should first figure out some redirects though, at least so my RSS subscribers don’t all break.

Stay tuned… 😉

Ps. All of the <guid>’s in my feed are now changed to a new format. I apologize that your RSS aggregator is probably about to freak out now. Fixing this was sadly not worth the effort at this point. 🙁

Pps. I realize it’s now 4:30 am, but I couldn’t let my links rot. I modified my WordPress permalink format to make legacy incoming links continue to work. I still need to do some testing, but for the moment things are much better than having basically every incoming permalink go 404.

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