Category: <span>Web</span>

Like many others, I’ve been having trouble with Google Reader this morning. TechCrunch is reporting widespread issues today:

“Google Reader, the RSS feed-reading service Google has long since benignly abandoned, has gone completely mad, and Google has yet to acknowledge the problem even as it heads into its second day of unusability. Users are reporting inaccurate read and unread counts, the reappearance of thousands of old, unread items as new, and, in some cases, the return of feeds users had previously unsubscribed to.”

While in the short run I hope this is a temporary problem, and that Google Reader will be fixed, the longer-term issue of Google not investing in Reader anymore looms large.

The service may be a money-sink for Google, and may not align well with their corporate priorities, but it is hugely popular among programmers and techies, and is relied on as core infrastructure for countless applications that sync feeds and read/unread status across mobile devices and desktop readers.

There is at least one paid third party alternative available in NewsBlur, and it has an API (which is not interoperable with the Google Reader API). I don’t know how successful they are so far, but there’s definitely a need for at least one stable web-based feed reader with a sync API.

My question is this: Could Google spin off Reader into a new company?

I don’t know if it’s even technically possible given that it probably leverages many internal services and technologies that are proprietary to Google.

And even if it were technically possible, are there any business reasons why Google couldn’t do this?

I don’t know if any Googlers are listening on this frequency, but if they are, I would hope they might consider it.

Brent adds to the conversation: RSS Sync Apocalypse Preview [added 3/14]


Marco wrote today:

“Remarkably, the show is still running, and in last night’s episode, ‘The Day The Earth Stood Cool’, The Simpsons made a Tumblr joke. The site that David and I started when I was 24 was referenced in the show I started watching when I was 7.”

That’s pretty awesome.

I had a similar feeling when I watched Julie & Julia a few years back, and in the scene where Julie got all excited about the first real comments on her blog, her computer showed a comment pop-up window (a mock-up anyway) of the comments page that I wrote for Radio UserLand. The service she was using is no more, and at this point sadly her original blog is down, but it was great to see something I worked on get called out in a scene in a movie with Meryl Streep – one of the best of the best.

Congrats, Marco.


Mat writes:

I went to connect it to my computer and restore from that backup—which I had just happened to do the other day. When I opened my laptop, an iCal message popped up telling me that my Gmail account information was wrong. Then the screen went gray, and asked for a four digit pin.

I didn’t have a four digit pin. 

By now, I knew something was very, very wrong. I walked to the hallway to grab my iPad from my work bag. It had been reset too. I couldn’t turn on my computer, my iPad, or iPhone.

Mat’s full explanation of how he was hacked is on Wired. This is pretty scary. Basically the hacker was able to hijack Mat’s iCloud account and remote-wipe all of his devices, using the last four digits of a credit card from his Amazon account, to “prove” to a customer support representative at Apple that he was Mat, and have them issue a password reset.

Immediately after reading this, I enabled two-factor authentication on my Google account (even though I don’t use Gmail), but both Apple and Amazon need to take action here to make their users more secure. Apple needs to both stop accepting the last four digits of a credit card as proof of identity and require correct answers to security questions, and Amazon needs to stop displaying these digits on their account page. (They can let users name their stored payment methods instead.)

It turns out that Apple is suspending password resets over the phone (temporarily?), but this isn’t the right way to address the issue in the long term. Apple needs to realize that security trumps usability more generally, and ensure that their systems and support procedures reflect this. They also need to start teaching their users how to protect themselves. For too long Apple touted the falsity that Mac OS and iOS were somehow inherently safer than Windows, but that’s not the case. For a very long time, they were much smaller targets because of the relatively small user-base, but that’s no longer the case. And just as online retailers have come to realize that iPad users are more likely to make more and larger online purchases, the hackers are coming to realize that these are high-value users, which makes them targets.

Suspending over the phone password resets is a start, but it sounds like if you have the serial number of a device, you can still get them to do this. So if your iPhone or MacBook are stolen, you’re still at risk.

(Via Marco Arment.)
