Jake Savin Posts

This is awesome. Kevin Marks mixed the audio of the last Presidential debate with the text from a concurrent IRC online-chat with various bloggers. It’s a real-time fact-check, and a running commentary on the debate. A must-see. [via Doc Searls]


Kos: “You know those Republicans who got fired for voter fraud in South Dakota? Well, the Republican Party rewarded their efforts by giving them new jobs in Ohio.”


Too few of us have been asking some really important questions:

“Why are leaders who truly take peace into their hearts, and try to lay aside the weapons of war, like Gorbachov, Carter and Aristide, ridiculed and rejected and removed from power? Who will save us from the madness and chaos that the naked thirst for power threatens to bring down on the whole of human civilization? The drums of war are beating on both banks of the Potamic. Where are the Peacemakers?”
