Month: <span>February 2000</span>

  • Today’s featured room: (you guessed it) The living room!

    Hi-tech living room (small):

Jake's Brainpan

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  • Sally, Marco and I had A Night Out about 10 days ago, but I hadn’t posted the pictures yet.
  • Quote from The Dilbert Future:

    Prediction 35
    In the future, employees will either be superstars or perspiration wipers. Those who aren’t qualified to do either will become managers.

  • Sonic finally released its earnings statement, and indeed they’re still not profitable, though it didn’t seem to affect the stock price too much. We’ll see tomorrow.
  • My brother told me over the weekend that he thinks the company he works for will be bought out in the next couple of months. He stands to make a little bread, but he has no equity, so most of it will probably be in the form of a bouns and a raise. Nothing to balk at, but if he were in the proverbial Valley… ;): Smile!
  • I just fixed an embarrassing unclosed anchor tag on my resume. About five paragraphs were hot-linked when I didn’t mean them to be. Whoops!
  • All’s Quite on the Western Front for the moment. I’m keeping my nose to the grindstone for the moment.

Jake's Brainpan

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  • Well, we tried to go to Reno to see James Brown tonight. It didn’t happen. Here’s the story.
  • My DNS server died yesterday, and I just got done fixing it. It turns out that I had mis-configured the reverse domain name lookups, and that I should have created one master domain, with reverse lookups, and a bunch of aliases for the other domains. What I had done was causing DNS queries to my server to feed back, and increase exponentially. Whoops!!! Guess you gotta figure things out somehow, but I just have one question: Why is this stuff so poorly documented?

Jake's Brainpan

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