Month: <span>October 2004</span>

Dowbrigade: “Can this be true? US officials were convinced that terrorists had possession of a functional nuclear device INSIDE THE UNITED STATES and they didn’t say anything to anyone??!! “

With these idiots running the show, I think it’s totally possible that this is true. I’m frighteningly not the only one who thinks so either.


If you haven’t already registered to vote, go here now, and learn how. In some states it’s already too late, but in many places you sill have time. Do it!

Oh, and did I say before that if you’re already registered, you should actually vote?


John Stewart recaps the Foreign Policy Presidential Debate. My favorite quote from Stewart, on Kerry’s response to accusations of flip-flopping on his attitude towards Iraq:

“There he goes again, rambling on… Wait, actually that was pretty clear. I got nothin’.”

Here’s the video. [5’45”, 6.9MB]

(I’m getting better at the video encoding by the way — this one is a little slower frame-rate, but twice the resolution of the last few. Stay tuned…)
