Category: <span>Jake’s Brainpan</span>

Jake's Brainpan

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BBC: White House website attacked.
7:59:59 PM  

Dan Anderson: “The principal arguement against OSS is that the GPL model creates too much potential for interoperability problems and “forking” of different versions… In defense of OSS however, we have seen little evidence of these issues…”
12:57:57 AM  

Jake's Brainpan

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CNET: Microsoft raps open-source approach. “The company steps up its battle against the open-source software movement as one of its chief strategists compares the movement to business practices that helped sink hundreds of dot-coms.”
2:28:52 PM  

CNET: Live TV on cell phones. “Three European telephone service providers are testing a way to stream live TV events including horse races and financial news updates to cell phones.” Um, wait a minute: don’t we already have portable TVs?
2:27:49 PM  

CloseTheLoop.Weblogs.Com has moved to their very own server.
2:47:16 AM  

Scripting News: “Dan found the old Netscape RSS 0.91 spec, with his comments from 1999, explaining their philosophy for RSS…”
2:45:33 AM  

Jake's Brainpan

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