Month: <span>July 2001</span>

An after-midnight quote about .NET, from Joel… Joel posted an atricle on July 22nd, 2000, Micorosft Goes Bonkers, and got a bunch of feedback from readers, so he added a couple of paragraphs of postscript. Here’s an excerpt:

“Since this article originally appeared a lot of people have written in to say that they have the .NET SDK! It’s not vapor! It’s ‘real!’

“Well, uh, yeah. What’s in it? There’s SOAP, a technology basically invented by Dave Winer based on XmlRpc, which I personally baked into the Juno signup process about two years ago. Microsoft is a little late to that ballgame. There’s a programming language, C#, which is just Microsoft’s way of saying that if they can’t take over Java, dammit, they’re going home and playing with their own toys… If Microsoft’s marketing wasn’t working in overdrive, we’d have all this stuff anyway, and nobody would be pretending that it’s some kind of computer Nirvana on the horizon.”

If you haven’t yet read Joel’s postscript or the email he posted from an anonymous Microsoft insider, check it out. Go here and scroll to the bottom. (Joel, where are your permalinks?) ;->
12:17:58 AM  

Jake's Brainpan

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Vince Beiser: How We Got to Two Million. How did the Land of the Free become the world’s leading jailer?

“Most Americans never even see, let alone become ensnared in, the nation’s vast correctional system. But the unprecedented prison boom is incurring unprecedented costs — economic, social and ethical — that are being paid, one way or another, by everyone in this country…

“How did this happen? How did a nation dedicated to the principle of freedom become the world’s leading jailer? The answer has little to do with crime, but much to do with the perception of crime, and how that perception has been manipulated for political gain and financial profit.”

[via Plastic]
11:48:58 PM  

This week, Ericsson reported a $1.3 billion loss, and Nortel reported a $19.4 billion loss. (Wow!)
11:45:38 PM  

BBC: Drugs case tests net boundaries. “A libel case in New York could test the freedom of speech enjoyed by online journalists and activists… If the bank succeeds in pursuing its case beyond Mexico, legal experts say other organisations may be tempted to try the same tactics – and it could restrict free speech.”
11:41:33 PM  

Japan Today: Artist drops dead cow full of fireworks. “An Austrian artist dropped a dead cow stuffed with fireworks from a helicopter in Berlin on Thursday in a controversial performance that an animal-loving teenager had failed to stop in a last-ditch legal bid.” Nutty.
11:39:58 PM  

CNN: EU officials killed in Macedonia. “Two European Union monitors and their interpreter have been killed after their vehicle hit a landmine, EU foreign affairs chief Javier Solana’s spokesperson has confirmed.”
11:39:01 PM  

Ananova: U.S.: Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston sue jewellery company. For $50 Milion?!!
11:38:12 PM Word of the Day: slake.
11:38:00 PM  

Jake's Brainpan

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This imposter claims he’s the Talking Moose. Well I got news for ya, Bubba! I’m the real talking moose, and I’ve got the pictures to prove it.

Everybody sing along, now… “Will the real Talking Moose please stand up… please stand up… please stand up…”

Oh and by the way, I killed JFK!
11:09:18 PM  

Salon: What’s wrong with the music biz?. “Napster’s out of the picture, but for the first time in a decade, album sales are down — and ticket sales are sagging too.” The sub-title of this article seems to imply that Napster has something to do with the decline in sales, but looking to blame either Napster’s existence, or lack thereof, is way off the mark in my opinion.

Here’s my take: What’s really wrong with the music biz:

“The record company execs couldn’t give a rodent’s sphincter about the music itself, so how could they possibly understand their market?… The people in charge of making decisions have no interest in investing in the long-term success and growth of the truly talented musicians and songwriters, whose careers they’re supposed to be building… Is it really any wonder that their target audiences are bored to death? Is it a surprise we’re sick of hearing the same adolescent schlock over and over again?”

5:57:56 PM  


CNN: “The world’s youngest skydiver plunged into the world’s record books when her father jumped out of a plane with her strapped to his chest.

“Skydiving instructor Herman Landsman jumped from a plane on Tuesday with his two-year-old daughter Demie, at 14,000 feet above the Dutch island of Texel.”

[Click the pictures at the right.]
3:06:49 PM  

Salon stands by story on Condit spokeswoman. “Marshall took scrupulous notes during his interview with Ein, which confirm that she did indeed make these statements. Furthermore, Salon has learned that Ein made similar disparaging comments about Levy to at least one other reporter at a major metropolitan newspaper.”
3:05:08 PM  

OpenFlow. “is a workflow engine created with python and Zope. With OpenFlow, you can define a map of the activities to be performed, conditional paths and parallel activities.” [via A Boy and His Basement]
3:03:30 PM  

Plastic: Bankruptcy Never Felt So Good.
3:00:56 PM  

CNET: Free-speech lawsuit charges ahead. “A professor who backed out of giving a speech amid legal threats is moving ahead with a lawsuit that would allow him to present his paper at an upcoming conference.”
2:53:19 PM  

I’m getting really sick of supposed news articles that read like press releases.
2:50:57 PM  

CNN: Gay trial opens in Egypt. “A trial of 52 men accused of homosexuality under Egyptian public morality laws has opened in a Cairo state security court.”
2:46:34 PM  

BBC: Jurassic chicken ’50-100 years off’. “Reversing evolution to turn a chicken into a dinosaur might be possible before the end of the century, experts say.” Somehow I doubt this would work.
2:45:20 PM Word of the Day: carom.
2:43:28 PM  

Jake's Brainpan

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