Category: <span>Jake’s Radio ‘Blog</span>

I recorded the webcast of the weekly weblog-writers meeting at Berkman tonight. You can listen to it in MP3 in four parts here:

Part 1 231KB (pre-meeting)
Part 2 3.4MB
Part 3 4.9MB
Part 4 9.3MB

Marc Nozell has the IRC transcript here. (updated URL — thanks, Marc)

Jake's Radio 'Blog

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A new feature for Manila which makes it possible to subscribe to RSS feeds in Editors-Only Manila sites using any RSS news reader which supports HTTP authentication:

This is especially useful for people who run private sites for a workgroup or project, or for people who run Manila sites in educational environments where the sites are required to have restricted access.

Jake's Radio 'Blog

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A feature of Manila that I forgot to mention earlier: When you’re setting the path for a story or discussion group message, clicking the path field in the Admin box automatically chooses the “set a path” command.

One less step needed for a commonly used feature…

Jake's Radio 'Blog

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